Energy Saving Solutions
Without doubt cost of energy has become an issue. Apart from negotiating the best tariff, individually there is little we can do about the unit cost of energy. However, we can have a direct influence on the amount of energy that is used.
The Carbon Trust is an independent not-for-profit company set up by the government. They estimate that electric motors and drives account for over 67% of the power used in industry so there is no better place to start than looking at equipment that uses motors and drives (Carbon Trust Energy Saving Fact Sheet - Motors).
Fans, Pumps, Process & Conveyors are the greatest users of energy and also offer the greatest opportunity for saving on energy costs if the process requires variable flow, or variable speed, or variable load, or on/off cycling.
Using a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) to reduce the speed of a pump or fan application can typically achieve the following savings:
- Reduce motor speed by 10%, achieve a 27% reduction in energy consumption
- Reduce motor speed by 20%, achieve a 48% reduction in energy consumption
Using our motors, drives, pumps, fans and site service experience and capabilities we offer an energy saving service from initial audit and cost feasibility study through to complete package installation and commissioning. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for our customers.